Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stalker? Me?!

Hi Guys. Assalamualaikum.
Related to the new post today, I want to warn you people to watch out for me.
Haha. Insane isn't it?
Why? Because...I'm a stalker!
Nobody will admit they are stalker rite? (Although some of them may)
But..I'm not a stalker for bad.. Like I said in 'About Me' section, I like to try different thing everyday, so I will wondering around the 'net' (Not net la, its
searching something new to be read. Then I got new info lorr. Information about what? well, anything, everything, many things haha. 
I look into korean pop idol world (That's compulsory), I read friend's blog, read what's in their thought everyday (Interesting), know what they had done (Stalker~hehe), learning foreign languages (Konichiwa, Anyeong!), What' s in the news today...and bla bla bla...

When I'm scrolling into  others' blog site (mostly friends and mostly not at times), I know many people. That's how I know people but they don't know me (Sad isn't it). I know some of my junior, but they don't even know me Haha. Their blogs are different in their very own way. Many new things I learn from them (Coz Im not used to blogging).

Cat also facebook-ing

Got to go now. Later ya. Till then Assalamualaikum.

Just want to say Hi!

Hey guys. Assalamualaikum.
Its been months away since I pay my last visit to my blog. Haha!

Well, That's all for now.

Till then, Assalamualaikum.