Sunday, February 2, 2014

Love, Hope and Fun

-Last Friday Night-

We happened to be together

Although not all together, parts would be enough

So Yeah, we have fun together

Went to the place that we had planned before

Places that we had planned long ago

Eating dinner with laughter

Enjoying the feast

Like a big celebration

But TIME....

is a valuable thing

watch it fly by as the pendulum swings

stop here is not the end

till we meet again

Let's enjoy the life to the fullest

Monday, January 13, 2014

One or Two?

This is an interesting story of my bestfriend.


This story came across my mind when I'm scrolling her page with all the self-ca (or selfie or self-capturing or whatever you called-it) talk about...

I have one bestfriend.

I knew her since my first year of med school.

Since then, I look through how she evolved...

Like this?

Evolution...teehehee  ^_^


Okay..what I want to tell about the two different personas is...

During office hour... This is what she will looks like:

during her student life
working life

Compared to this..non office hour time:

Her Graduation...of course la! :D

Going Out I Think...

Different right??? Or is it normal?

Of whatever reason it is....

No matter how I think about it....

I still can't accept that she looks like a two different person.

I think she should go for part time modelling during EOP...pffft

BUT.....indeed she is pretty

P/s: nerd > swan > nerd > swan again....
AND to my friend Sya_key_rah (not a three persons) ....sorry for all the stolen picture...hehehe
Can't considered this as copyright infringement right? no copyright documented there. Hehehehe...chill laa