딸기아...딸기아...(strawberry in korean)
Recently I watch some korean variety show and while filming the show they are plucking the strawberry from a farm at HongChun (somewhere at Korea).
Looking at the strawberries~feel like I'm goin' to faint.
They are sooo BIG and they claimed it to be sweet and not sour as we know.
I'm sooo J.E.A.L.O.U.S.
Mula lah pikir pikir nak gi Cameron Highlands~ ^^
Aaa...Miss the cold weather!!!
Here are some pictures from the show. Take a look at it. Sooo BIG and RED isn't it?
p/s: kepada KeyRah...nak pegi Cameron ramai2 la best.. T.T
okeyh ghah..t kite deal ngan 'tour guide' ag okeyh!! yeah.. nak pegi lagi. (^_^) simpan wet byk2 lu nieh.. hee~